1. If X = 1781*1783*1785*1787, what is the remainder when X is divided by 12? Easy
A. 9
B. 5
C. 11
D. None of these

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Answer: Option A


When 1781 is divided by 12, the remainder is 5. Similarly, when 1783 is divided by 12, the remainder is 7, when 1785 is divided by 12, the remainder is 9, and when 1787 is divided by 12, the remainder is 11. Replacing dividends by corresponding remainders, the question reduces to finding the remainder when ( 5*7*9*11) is divided by 12, or when 3465 is divided by 12, in which case the remainder is 9.



If p is divided by q, then the dividend i.e., p, can be replaced with the remainder when p is divided by q. For example, in the above question we replaced 1781, 1783, 1785, and 1787 with 5, 7, 9 & 11 respectively.

2. If x = (203+213+223+233) then what is the remainder when x is divided by 86? Medium
A. 1
B. 2
C. 0
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


Let a = 20, b = 21, c = 22, d = 23 then a+b+c+d = 20+21+22+23 = 86

So, (203+213+223+233)/86 can be compared with  (a3+b3+c3+d3)/(a+b+c+d)

Now, (a+b+c+d) is a factor of (a3+b3+c3+d3). Hence, remainder = 0

3. Which of the following is true about 55x + 22x if x is a natural number?

i. It is always divisible by 11x for all values of x.

ii. It is divisible by 77 when x is odd.

iii. It is always divisible by 33.

A. Both i and ii
B. Only ii
C. i, ii and iii
D. None of these

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Answer: Option A


i. 55x + 22x = (11x5x + 11x2x) = 11x(5x + 2x)

-> 11x(5x + 2x)/11x = 5x + 2x -> 55x + 22x is always divisible by 11x for all values of x. Hence true.

ii. 55+22 = 77

an+bn is divisible by a+b if  n is odd -> True

iii. 55-22 = 33

an+bn is never divisible by a-b -> False

4. 86n – 76n, where n is an integer > 0, is divisible by: Difficult
A. 15
B. 169
C. 855
D. All of these

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Answer: Option D


86n – 76n = (82)3n – (72)3n = 643n – 493n, which is divisible by 64-49 = 15. Hence option A is true.

Also, 86n-76n = (86)n – (76)n, which is divisible by 86 – 76

Now, 86 – 7= (83-73)(83+73) = (512-343)(512+343) = 169*855 -> 86n-76n is divisible by both 169 and 855. Hence options B and C are also true.

Therefore, option D is true.

5. If n is an even number divisible by 3, then N= 11111….. up to n digits, is always divisible by: Difficult
A. Only 77
B. Only 143
C. Both 77 and 143
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


Since n is even and a multiple of 3

-> n is a multiple of 6

-> n = 6k

Therefore, 111….. up to  n digits = 111….. up to 6/12/18….. digits.

Note that any number of the form xyzxyz is always divisible by 1001 as well as by all factors of 1001.

Now, factors of 1001 are 1, 7, 11, 13, 77, 91, 143 and 1001.

-> xyzxyz is divisible by 1001 and by all its factors i.e. 7, 11, 13, 77, 91, 143

If k =1, n = 6 and N = 111111, which is of the form xyzxyz where x=y=z=1. Thus, 111111 is divisible by both 77 and 143.

If k=2, n =12 and N = 111111111111 which is of the form

xyzxyzxyzxyz and is also divisible by both 77 and 143.

For all higher values of k also, we get N as a number comprising all 1s such that the number of 1s is a multiple of 6

-> N will always be divisible by 1001 and all its factors.

6. Find the values of a and b respectively if a372068b is divisible by both 8 and 11, where a and b are single-digit positive integers. Easy
A. 7, 0
B. 3, 0
C. 7, 5
D. None of these

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Answer: Option A


A number is divisible by 8 if the number formed by the last three digits is divisible by 8 or when the last three digits are zeros. So, 68b has to be divisible by 8 for the given number to be divisible by 8

-> b = 0 since 680 is divisible by 8.

A number is divisible by 11 if the difference between the sum of digits in the odd and even places is zero or is a multiple of 11.

In a3720680, the difference between the sum of digits in the odd and even places = (a+7+0+8) – (3+2+6+0), which should be either 0 or multiple of 11

-> (15+a)-11 = 0 or 11k -> a+4 = 0 or 11k.

Now, a+4 can’t be 0 because a cannot be negative; also, k cannot be more than 1 as it will imply that a is a number with more than 1 digit

-> a+4 = 11

-> a = 7

7. If 457x8y is divisible by 11, then find the minimum value of y if x+y is at its maximum value. Medium
A. 5
B. 7
C. 9
D. None of these

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Answer: Option A


A number is divisible by 11 if the difference between the sum of digits in the odd and even places is zero or is a multiple of 11. In 457x8y, the difference between the sum of digits in the odd and even places = (4+7+8) – (5+x+y) = 14 – (x+y), which is either 0 or 11k.

If 14 – (x+y) = 11k, then k cannot be more than 1 because in that case (x+y) will be negative, which is not possible

-> 14 –(x+y) = 11

-> x+y = 3 —– ❶

If 14 – (x+y) = 0, then x+y = 14 —– ❷

For y to be minimum, x has to be maximum and therefore x+y has to be maximum

-> From ❶ & ❷, x+y = 14

-> y = 14-x

Now, y is minimum when x is maximum or when x = 9

-> ymin = 14-9 = 5

8. x is a natural number, such that (x+4)2 is divisible by x. How many such values of x are possible? Easy
A. 3
B. 7
C. 5
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


(x+4)2/x = (x2+8x+16)/x = x+8+(16/x)

16/x will be an integer only if x is a factor of 16

-> x = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16

-> x can take 5 values.

9. The digits,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 are used to form 6-digit numbers, such that all these digits are used only once. How many such numbers are divisible by 125? Medium
A. 6
B. 8
C. 12
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


For a number to be divisible by 125, the last 3 digits should form a number that is divisible by 125 -> last 3 digits should be 125 or 375.

Case I: Last three digits are 125

Here, the first three digits can be arranged in 6 ways (as the first digit can be picked out of any three, the second digit can be picked in two ways, and the third digit can be picked in only 1 way; the total number of ways will be 3*2*1 i.e., 6). This results in different numbers ending in 125. These numbers will be 347125, 374125, 437125, 473125, 734125, and 743125.

Case II: Last three digits are 375

As in the above case, we will again have 6 numbers ending in 375 i.e., 124375, 142375, 214375, 241375, 412375 and 421375

Thus, the total number of numbers = 6+6 = 12

10. What is the remainder when 9+92+93+……+9254 is divided by 6? Medium
A. 1
B. 0
C. 3
D. None of these

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Answer: Option B


When 9 is divided by 6, remainder is 3.

When 9+92 (=90) is divided by 6, remainder is 0.

When 9+92+93 (=819) is divided by 6, remainder is 3.

When 9+92+93+94 (=7380) is divided by 6, remainder is 0.

Thus, we observe that when the number ends in an odd index of 9, the remainder is 3; and when it ends in an even index of 9, the remainder is 0.

In the given case, the number ends in 9254, where the index of 9 i.e., 254, is even

-> remainder is 0.