In the following questions, fill in the blanks to form a grammatically correct sentence:
1. Please give me ___ useful gift. | Easy |
A. a B. an C. the D. no article |
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Answer: Option A
2. She only asks for ___ little privacy. | Easy |
A. a B. an C. the D. no article |
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Answer: Option A
3. Purchased tickets will not be refunded, ___the Company understands customers’ concerns, and will meet personally with any concerned parties. | Easy |
A. and B. therefore C. but D. for |
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Answer: Option C
4. I do not care ___ you stay ___ go. |
Easy |
A. whether, or B. if, or C. when, when D. how, how |
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Answer: Option A
5. How many ___ does he have on his farm? |
Easy |
A. sheeps B. sheep C. sheepes D. sheepies |
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Answer: Option B
In the following questions, fill in the blanks to form a grammatically correct sentence:
6. | Medium |
A. We counted thirty buffalos driving to town. B. We driving to town counted thirty buffalos. C. While driving to town, thirty buffalos were counted by us. D. While driving to town, we counted thirty buffalos. |
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Answer: Option D
7. Do you know the man who is wearing red socks and carrying a brown bag? | Medium |
A. Do you know the man who is wearing red socks and carrying a brown bag? B. Do you know the man wearing red socks and who is carrying a brown bag? C. Do you know the man with red socks and carrying a brown bag? D. Do you know the man with a brown bag in his hand and wearing red socks? |
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Answer: Option A
8. He wore a tuxedo and put his late father’s handkerchief in his pocket. | Medium |
A. He wore a tuxedo and put his late father’s handkerchief in his pocket. B. He wore a tuxedo and his late father’s handkerchief is what he put in his pocket. C. A tuxedo he wore and put his late father’s handkerchief in his pocket. D. None of the above |
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Answer: Option A
Given sentence is correct:
He wore a tuxedo (active) and put his late father’s handkerchief in his pocket (active).
9. | Difficult |
A. How much ever I resist, I falls prey to over indulging every time you bake an apple pie. B. How much ever I resist, I fall prey to over indulging every time you bake an apple pie. C. How much ever I resisted, I fall prey to over indulging every time you bake an apple pie. D. None of the above |
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Answer: Option B
Even though the subject I is singular, it takes a plural verb fall, therefore Option A is rejected.
Option C is rejected because of two different tenses are not required in this sentence.
In the following question, if required, replace the underlined part of the given sentence with the most appropriate answer choice:
10. In light of the current market scenario, it will be better for our organization to invest in real estate right now. | Difficult |
A. it will be better for our organization to invest B. it is better for our organization to invest C. it was better for our organization to invest D. it is going to be better for our organization to invest |
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Answer: Option B
current market scenario and right now tell the reader that the situation is set up in the present time. Therefore, Options A, C, D, E are rejected.
Option B is the best answer in Present Simple Tense (Singular Subject + V1(-s/-es)).
Singular subject it takes verb form V1 i.e. is.
Be,Am,Is,Are – Was,Were – Been