1. If |x-6| = 11 and |2y-12| = 8. What is the minimum possible value of ? Easy
A. -2/5
B. -2
C. 10/17
D. None of these

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Answer: Option B


x-6 = 11 or x-6 =-11

-> x = 17 or -5

2y-12 = 8 or 2y-12 = -8

-> y = 10 or 2

Minimum = 10/-5 = -2

Note: Maximum value will be 10/17.

2. The sum of the first 100 natural numbers is divisible by: Easy
A. 2, 4, 8
B. 2, 4
C. Only 2
D. Only 4

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Answer: Option C


Sum of the first n natural numbers = n(n+1)/2

Here, n = 100 -> Sum = (100*101)/2 = 50*101 = 2*25*101

Now, 101 is a prime number and out of 25 and 2, 25 is divisible by only 5 and 25. Hence, the sum is divisible by only 2 (out of the given options)

3. If X = (4075-3975)/(4074+3974), then which of the following is true for X?
A. 0 < X ≤ 0.1
B. 0.1 < X ≤ 0.5
C. 0.5 < X ≤ 1
D. X > 1

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Answer: Option D


Handle the question through understanding a pattern evolved by taking experimental values.

(23-13)/(22+12) = 7/5 > 1

(34-24)/(33+23) = (81-16)/(27+8) = (65/35) > 1

In general, [nm-(n-1)m]/[nm-1+ (n-1)m-1] > 1

4. Find the largest power of 5 contained in 243! Medium
A. 48
B. 57
C. 58
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


241! = 241*240*239*…..1

When we divide 241! by a power of 5, we have 241 numbers in the numerator. The denominator will have all 5s.

The 241 numbers in the numerator have 241/5 = 48.2 or 48 multiples of 5 i.e. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ….. 240.

Corresponding to each of the above multiples, we have a 5 in the denominator which will divide the numerator completely.

Therefore, 548 can definitely divide 241!

Further, every multiple of 52 i.e. 25, after cancelling out 5 as above, will have one more 5 left. Therefore, for every such multiple of 25, we have an additional 5 in the denominator. There are 241/25 = 9.64 or 9 such multiples of 25. So, we can take 9 more 5s in the denominator.

Similarly, for every multiple of 53 i.e. 125, we can take an additional 5 in the denominator. There are 241/125 = 1.928 or 1 such multiple of 125.

Total number of 5s= 48+9+1 = 58

So, 558 divides 241!


Quicker Method

5 241
5 48
5 9

Number of 5s =48+9+1 = 58

This method is applicable only if the number whose largest power is to be found is a prime number. In case the number is not prime, then express the number as a product of two numbers which are co-prime; apply the concept to each of these two numbers

5. Find the largest power of 2 contained in 100! Medium
A. 75
B. 97
C. 87
D. None of these

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Answer: Option B


Applying an approach similar to Q4 (refer to the note: 2 is a prime number, hence this approach may be applied), we get the largest power of 2 by the following calculation:

2 100
2 50
2 25
2 12
2 6
2 3


Number of 2s= 50+25+12+6+3+1 = 97

6. Find the largest power of 10 that can divide 250! Medium
A. 244
B. 60
C. 62
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


Here, 10 is not a prime number; so, we express 10 as a product of two numbers which are co-prime (refer to the note in Q4) Now, 10 = 2*5

2 250
2 125
2 62
2 31
2 15
2 7
2 3

Largest power of 2 =125 + 62 + 31 + 15 + 7 + 3 + 1 = 244

5 250
5 50
5 10

Largest power of 5 = 50 + 10 + 2 = 62

We take the smallest of the two powers, as this will decide the denominator. Therefore, 62 is the answer.

7. How many zeros are there at the end of 1221! Medium
A. 301
B. 302
C. 292
D. None of these

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Answer: Option B


Number of zeros is determined by the number of 5s, because a 5 multiplied by an even digit will result in a 0. Number of 5s is determined by applying the approach used in Q4.

5 1221
5 244
5 48
5 9

à Number of 5s = 244+48+9+1 = 302

8. What is the sum of the squares of the first 30 even numbers? Easy
A. 37820
B. 27820
C. 47820
D. None of these

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Answer: Option A


Sum of the squares of the first 30 even numbers =

22+42+62+ —– 60= 22[12+22+32+ —– 302]

This is 4 times the sum of the squares of the first 30 natural numbers. Now, sum of the squares of the first n natural numbers = [n(n+1)(2n+1)]/6

Hence, required sum = 4*[(30*31*61)/6] = 37820

9. What is the sum of the cubes of the first 20 odd numbers? Medium
A. 219600
B. 319600
C. 419600
D. None of these

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Answer: Option B


Sum of the cubes of the first 20 odd numbers =

13+33+53+ —– 393 = (13+23+ —– 403) – (23+43+ 63—– 403)

= (13+23+ —– 403) – 23[13+23+ —– 203]

Now, sum of the cubes of first n natural numbers is [n(n+1)/2]2

= [(40*41)/2]2 – 8[(20*21)/2]2

= 672400-352800 = 319600

10. Under what set of conditions is |x|-|y| |x-y|? Medium
A. x, y ≥ 0
B. x, y ≤ 0
C. x, y € R
D. Can’t be determined

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Answer: Option C


x and y can both be either positive or negative, leading to the following cases:


x y x-y |x| |y| |x|-|y| |x-y|
6 4 2 6 4 2 2
6 -4 10 6 4 2 10
-6 4 -10 6 4 2 10
-6 -4 -2 6 4 2 2
4 6 -2 4 6 -2 2
4 -6 10 4 6 -2 10
-4 6 -10 4 6 -2 10
-4 -6 2 4 6 -2 2


In all cases |x|-|y| ≤ |x-y|

Hence, option C