Five sentences related to a topic are given in each of the questions below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out.

1. Easy
A. Civilised man was nearly always able to become master of his environment temporarily.
B. He must conform his actions to certain natural laws if he is to maintain his dominance over his environment
C. Man, whether civilised or savage is a child of nature, he is not the master of nature.
D. When he tries to circumvent the laws of nature, he usually destroys the natural environment that sustains him.
E. And when his environment deteriorates rapidly, his civilisation declines.

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Answer: Option A


Sentence A is the odd one out because according to the other sentences Man is not the master of nature. The rest of the sentences talk about Man being a child of nature and his inability to conquer or dominate nature.
Also, Sentence A is constructed in the past tense while other sentences in the present tense.
Sentences CBDE when put together in that sequence form a coherent paragraph.

2. Easy
A. Good car names are catchy and fit the product such as the Beetle or the Mini.
B. It is a bonding process with the entire situation where you, your car and its name make the entire equation.
C. Marketing departments of car companies spend a lot of time and money thinking up names for cars.
D. The name should be of reflection of the brand product and target group.
E. The car you drive tells the world about your status. How much money you have and the socio– economic group you belong to (or want to belong to).

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Answer: Option E


Sentence E is the odd one here as the other sentences talk about cars names and their importance whereas
Option E talks about status associated with owning a car which is not mentioned in any of the other sentences.
Hence, it is the odd one out.

3. Easy
A. Seeds of Impatiens psittacina were presented to the Royal Gardens in 1899 and the plants flowered in 1900
B. Without its exotic light purple and carmine red parrot flowers the plant has a few redeeming ornamental features looking more like a tall weed than a prized ornamental possession.
C. Impatiens psittacina is a very rare species of perineal flowering balsam plant from South-East Asia.
D. It is called the parrot flower because its flower bears a resemblance to a parrot in flight when viewed from the side.
E. In Thai, this species is known as “Dork Nok Kheaw” which translates to “Flower bird parrot”.

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Answer: Option A


Sentence A is the odd one out as it talks about the seeds of the Impatiens psittacina plant whereas the rest of the options talk about the plant itself.
4. Easy
A. For millennia, people with hearing impairments encountered marginalisation because it was believed that language could only be learned by hearing the spoken word.
B. Pushback against this prejudice began in the 16th century when Pedro Ponce de Leon created a formal sign language for the hearing impaired.
C. People who were born deaf were denied the right to sign a will as they were “presumed to understand nothing; because it is not possible that they have been able to learn to read or write.”
D. Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, for example, observed that men who are deaf are incapable of speech.
E. His idea to use sign language was not a completely new idea as native Americans used hand gestures to communicate with other tribes.

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Answer: Option D


Sentence A is a promising opening statement that talks about discrimination against deaf.
This idea is furthered in Sentence C.
Since Sentence C talks about prejudice i.e., right to sign a will denied to the deaf, it makes sense for Sentence B to follow it since it refers to ‘this prejudice’ in Sentence C.
All sentences talk of sign language. Only sentence D is about the views of Aristotle regarding speech.
Options ACBE when put together in that sequence form a coherent paragraph

5. Easy
A. ‘Stat’ signalled something measurable, while ‘matic’ advertised free labour; but ‘tron’, above all, indicated control.
B. To gain the suffix was to acquire a proud and optimistic emblem of the electronic and atomic age
C. Like the heraldic shields of ancient knights, these morphemes were painted onto the names of scientific technologies to proclaim one’s history and achievements to friends and enemies alike.
D. The historian Robert proctor at Stanford university calls the suffix ‘-tron’, along with ‘-matic’ and ‘-stat’, embodied symbols.
E. It was a totem of high modernism, the intellectual and cultural mode that decreed no process or phenomena was too complex to be grasped, managed and optimised.

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Answer: Option E


Sentences A, C, D & B talk about what the suffixes ‘-stat’, ‘-tron’ and ‘-matic’ symbolise in the field of science and technology whereas Sentence E is the odd on out because it talks about high modernism.
Sentences DCAB when put together form a coherent paragraph.
6. Medium
A. Even the enormous, impregnable stupidity of our high command on all matters of psychology was penetrated by a vague notion that a few “writing fellows “might be sent out with permission to follow the armies in the field, under the strictest censorship, in order to silence the popular clamour for more news.
B. Lord Kitchener, prejudiced against them, was being broken down a little by the pressure of public opinion, which demanded more news of their men in the field than was given by bald communiques.
C. We want to know about their heroism so that it shall be remembered by their people and known by the world.
D. Dimly and nervously they apprehended that in order to stimulate the recruiting of the new Army now being called to the colours by vulgar appeals to sentiment and passion, it might be well to “write-up“ the glorious side of war as it could be seen at the base and in the organisation of transport, without, of course, any allusion to dead or dying men, to the ghastly failures of distinguished generals, or to the filth and horror of the battlefields.
E. In 1915, the war office at last moved in the matter of war correspondence.

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Answer: Option C


The subject of the passage is war correspondents and how even though reluctantly, war correspondents were sent on the front because of the growing clamour for news and the possibility of getting new recruits for the army as a result of people reading about the glorious side of the war.
Sentence C is the odd one out because it is not aligned with the main theme of the paragraph.
Sentences EBAD can be put together to form a coherent paragraph.

7. Medium
A. The effects are more severe as only less than half the population uses banking system for monitory transactions.
B. Since our economy is heavily dependent on cash, demonetisation has caused a lot of problems and imbalance in the functioning of the nation
C. With people scrambling for cash to pay for goods and services, the move is likely to take a big toll on the country’s growth and output during the current fiscal.
D. Demonetisation has hit trade and consumption hard and has severely affected the wages and income of huge masses of people.
E. The aim of demonetisation was to free the society of black money and make the terrorists powerless who had entered our country.

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Answer: Option E


Sentence E is the odd one out because it talks about the aim of demonetization whereases all other sentences talk about negative impacts of demonetization on the people and economy.

8. Medium
A. Translators are like bumblebees.
B. Similar pronouncements about the impossibility of translation have dogged practitioners since Leonardo Bruno’s ‘De interpretatione recta’, published in 1424.
C. Though long since scientifically disproved, this factoid is still routinely trotted out.
D. In 1934, the French entomologist August Magnan pronounced the flight of the bumblebee to be Aerodynamically impossible.
E. Bees, unaware of these deliberations have continued to flit from flower to flower, and translators continue to translate.

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Answer: Option C


Sentence C is odd because the author does not use the fact that ‘the flight of the bumblebee to be Aerodynamically impossible’ theory has been disapproved to support his/her argument.

Sentences ADBE can be put together to form a coherent paragraph.

9. Difficult
A. Displacement in Bengal is thus not very significant in view of its magnitude.
B. The nature of displacement in Bengal makes it an interesting case study.
C. A factor of displacement in Bengal is the shifting course of the Ganga leading to erosion of river banks.
D. Rapid displacement would have helped sensitise the public to its human costs.
E. Since displacement due to erosion is well spread over a long period of time, it remains invisible.

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Answer: Option D


All the sentences except Option D talk about displacement of Bengal and soil erosion. Option D talks about the rapid displacement.
Options BCEA when organized in that sequence form a coherent paragraph.

10. Difficult
A. In many cases time inconsistency is what prevents are going from intention to action.
B. In the specific case of immunisation, however, it is hard to believe that time inconsistency by itself would be sufficient to make people permanently postpone the decision if they were fully cognisant of its benefits.
C. For people to continuously postpone getting their children immunised, they would need to be constantly fooled by themselves.
D. Not only do they have to think that they prefer to spend time going to the camp next month rather than today, they also have to believe that they will indeed go next month.
E. In most cases, even a small cost of immunisation was large enough to discourage most people.

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Answer: Option E


All sentences except Option E talk about time inconsistency and delaying immunisation. Option E talks about the cost of immunisation as a discouragement for people to avoid getting their babies immunised.
Options ABCD when organized in that sequence form a coherent paragraph.