Fill up the blanks in the passage given below with the most appropriate word from the options given for each blank.

1. The law prohibits a person from felling a sandalwood tree, even if it grows on one’s own land without prior permission from the government. As poor people cannot deal with the government, this legal provision leads to rip-roaring business for___who care neither for the___nor for the trees. Easy
A. the government…poor.
B. touts…rich
C. touts…poor
D. middleman…rich

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Answer: Option A


Touts means middlemen and it is clear that poor people are not once taken care of.

In Questions 2 – 7 (corresponding to blanks 2-7), choose the most appropriate word from the options given for each blank in the passage.

Between the year 1946 and the year 1955, I did not file any income tax returns. With that (2)…..… statement, Ramesh embarked on an account of his encounter with the income tax department. I originally owed Rs.20,000 in unpaid taxes. With (3)…..… and (4)………, the 20,000 became 60,000. The income tax department then went into action, and I learned first and just how much power the tax department wields. Royalties and trust funds can be (5)………; Automobiles maybe (6)………, and auctioned off. Nothing belongs to the (7)……… until the case is settled.

2. Medium
A. Devious
B. Blunt
C. Tactful
D. Pretentious

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Answer: Option B


Devious in Option A means dishonest and is incorrect as the statement is a truthful one. For the same reason tactful in Options C & D are also inappropriate. Hence, the correct option is B.

3. Medium
A. Taxes
B. Principal
C. Interest
D. Returns

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Answer: Option C


Taxes can be ruled out. And so can principal because it refers to the original amount in a loan. Returns is incorrect because it is what a person receives rather than pays out. Interest is the right fit because the original amount he owed to the department accumulated to the mentioned sum.

4. Medium
A. Sanctions
B. Refunds
C. Fees
D. Fines

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Answer: Option D


Sanction means a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule and is not usually used to refer to a sum of money, so it is incorrect. Fees is something which is paid in exchange for a service, so it can be ruled out too because it does not fit into the context of the given passage. Refunds is also incorrect because it is an amount which one gets back and not pays out. Therefore, Fines is the best choice because of the penalty component.
5. Medium
A. Closed
B. Detached
C. Attached
D. Impounded

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Answer: Option C


Royalties means a sum paid to a patentee for the use of a patent. So, it is not something that can be closed, so Option A is incorrect. Option B is illogical given the context of the passage. Option D is incorrect because impound is usually associated with taking away of goods and property. Option C is correct because Attach means to officially take something away and is usually used in context of monetary assets like funds.

6. Medium
A. Smashed
B. Dismantled
C. Seized
D. Frozen

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Answer: Option C


Options A & B can be rejected because they are extreme and illogical given the context of the passage. Frozen is incorrect because it is usually associated with making bank accounts inoperable. The best fit for automobiles is Option C.

7. Medium
A. Offender
B. Purchaser
C. Victim
D. Investor

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Answer: Option A


The passage is clearly written from the perspective of someone who has violated income tax regulations. Therefore, he/she should be called an offender of the law which makes Option A correct.

In Questions 8 & 9 (corresponding to blanks 8 & 9), choose the most appropriate word from the options given for each blank in the passage.

Von Neumann and Moregenstern assume a decision framework in which all options are thoroughly considered, each option being independent of the others, with a numerical value derived for the utility of each possible outcome these outcomes reflecting, in turn, all possible combinations of choices. The decision is then made to maximise the expected utility (8)_____. Such a model reflects major simplification of the way decisions are made in the real world. Humans are not to process information as quickly and effectively as the model assumes; they tend not to think (9)_____ As easily as the model calls for, they often deal with a particular option without really assessing its alternatives. And when they do assess alternatives, they may be externally nebulous about their criteria of evaluation.

8. Difficult
A. Regrettably
B. Apparently
C. Firstly
D. Obviously

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Answer: Option B


Option A is incorrect because regrettably does not fit into the context of the given passage since there is nothing to regret. Firstly can be ruled out because no secondly is mentioned anywhere in the passage. Since the author of the passage used a matter-of-factly tone and not an aggressive one, so obviously can be rejected. By rule of elimination, Option B is correct.

By rule of elimination, Option B is correct.

9. Difficult
A. Systematically
B. Scientifically
C. Quantitatively
D. Analytically

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Answer: Option D


At the first glance, all the given options seem suitable for the blank. However, on a closer look one can see that the correct answer must be the opposite of “without really assessing its alternatives”. Hence, Option D is correct because Analytically means using analysis or logical reasoning.