
Profile: Software Developer
Selection Process: Test (online), Personal Interview

Pattern of the Test

The online test, with a duration of 2 hours, consisted of 100 questions covering technical, quantitative, and verbal aptitude.



Group/Case Discussion

Technical Interview

During the interview, candidates faced a range of questions on Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Data Structures (DS), including specific questions on linked lists and trees.

Questions were also asked about SQL and Operating Systems (OS), such as those on semaphores. Interviewers delved into the candidates’ resumes, particularly focusing on projects.

For those with machine learning projects, candidates were asked to explain the concept of machine learning to a layman. There were also questions on deep learning and computer networks, such as the roles of DNS and DHCP, and the differences between the OSI and TCP/IP models.

The interview included 3 or 4 logic-based puzzles and technical questions, such as implementing a stack from scratch, reversing a string, binary tree traversals, defining the four pillars of OOP, explaining normalization in databases, and discussing the purpose of paging.

HR Interview

The HR segment of the interview covered questions about the candidates’ strengths and weaknesses, hobbies, and family background.

Candidates were also asked how they managed their time as the head of a fest while balancing academics and other activities, and how working in various societies and clubs had helped them personally over the past three years.