Directions – Study the information and answer the questions that follow.

A scientist measured all of the trees in an area that was once a waste dump and is now being returned to nature. The scientist made the histogram that shows the heights of the trees in the renewal area.


1. How many trees did the scientist measure? Easy
A. 1000
B. 2200
C. 2300
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


Number of trees = 300+1000+600+200+100+100 = 2300

2. The number of trees with height 5-9 feet is x% more than the number of trees with height 15-19 feet. What is x? Easy
A. 200
B. 400
C. 100
D. None of these

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Answer: Option B


x = ((1000-200)/200) * 100 = 400%
3. The number of trees with height 0-4 feet is p% more than the number of trees with  height 15-19 feet. The number of trees with height 25-29 feet is q% less than the number of trees with height 15-19 feet. What is |p|: |q|? Medium
A. 1:2
B. 2:1
C. 1:1
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


p = ((300-200)/200)*100 = 50

-> |p|= 50

q = ((100-200)/200)*100 = -50

-> |q|= 50

Thus, |p|: |q|= 50: 50 = 1: 1

4. Let A = 15% of the number of trees with height 5 – 9 feet, and B = one fourth of the number of trees with height 10- 14 feet. What is (A+B)/AB? Medium
A. 0.133
B. 0.0133
C. 0.00133
D. None of these

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Answer: Option B


A = 0.15 * 1000 = 150

B = ¼ (600) = 150

Thus, (A+B)/AB = 2A/A2 = 2/A = 2/150  = 0.0133

5. The scientist further selected 5% of the trees in each of the height intervals 0- 4 feet, 5 – 9 feet and 10- 14 feet; and 15% of the trees in each of the height intervals 15- 19 feet, 20 – 24 feet and 25- 29 feet for an advanced study. What is the ratio of the trees selected for the advanced study to those not selected for this study? Medium
A. 31:429
B. 95:429
C. 21:429
D. None of these

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Answer: Option A


Trees selected = 0.05 (300 + 1000+ 600) + 0.15 (200 + 100 + 100) = 95 + 60 = 155

Trees not selected = 2300 – 155 = 2145

Ratio = 155: 2145 = 31: 429