1.What can you infer from the following news headline?

“After Train Departs 20 Seconds Early, Japan Railway Issues a Deep Apology for the ‘Tremendous Nuisance’ Caused to Travellers“

A. The Train had never before been late.
B. A public apology was much needed.
C. Japanese Railways cannot be trusted.
D. Trains in Japan are very punctual.

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Answer: Option D


20 seconds of time is too short and insignificant and cannot be called a tremendous nuisance unless, a Japanese train being late is totally unusual and unexpected.
2. “David is less than 21 years of age. So, he was refused alcohol by the bartender“.

Select a valid assumption for this text.

A. The customer is not always right.
B. The bartender did not like David.
C. The bartender can decline any customer’s request.
D. To be able to drink, one must be at least 21 years of age.

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Answer: Option D


The correct answer choice is a fact even though it is not explicitly stated.
3. Studies last year concluded that consuming alcohol has very little, if any, impact on the risk of liver disease. A study of 40,000 people in Canada found no connection between alcohol and liver disease. Another study suggested that those who consume alcohol have less than half the risk of suffering from liver disease.

Which of the following statements, if true, would weaken the conclusion drawn above?

A. The content of alcohol varies according to the variety of alcohol.
B. Consumption of 10 glasses of water everyday can cancel out the bad effects of alcohol. The study did not consider the intake of water.
C. Indians drink more alcohol than Canadians do.
D. The study was conducted in a cold country like Canada. Countries in arid and semi-arid regions were not considered under this study.

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Answer: Option B


The given text does not throw any light on whether the results would be different for people from arid and semi-arid region countries. Hence, Option D does not weaken the conclusion.

The text does not mention whether Indians were considered for the study or whether Indians are more vulnerable to alcohol. Hence, Option C does not weaken the conclusion.

From the given text, the reader cannot tell whether people who were chosen for the study drink the same or different kinds of alcohol. Hence, Option A does not weaken the conclusion.

The given text states that alcohol does not alter a person’s vulnerability to liver disease. While Option B says that water offsets the negative effects of alcohol, it also states that these studies did not consider this fact. It is possible that the negative effect of alcohol is not evident because these people consume water. Hence, Option B weakens the conclusion.

4. A study revealed that most of the accidents involving four wheelers takes place when they are being driven at speeds above 100 km/hr. It was also observed that the four wheelers were driven at this speed mostly on roads with very little traffic.
Which of the following can be concluded from the given paragraph?
A. It is not possible to drive four wheelers at speeds above 100km/hr on roads which have a lot of traffic.
B. Majority of road accidents involving four wheelers take place on roads having very little traffic.
C. Four wheelers’ drivers tend to become careless while driving on roads having very little traffic.
D. Road accidents do not occur because of heavy traffic.

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Answer: Option B


The given text talks about a part of the total number of road accidents i.e., those involving four wheelers. There is no information about how the rest of the accidents take place. Hence, Option D is not a suitable conclusion.

The text does not mention the speeds at which vehicles are driven on roads having heavy traffic. Also, the words mostly on roads with very little traffic does not rule out four wheelers being driven at 100 km/hr and above speeds on roads having a lot of traffic. Hence, Option A cannot be the conclusion.

Driving at speeds above 100 km/hr does not necessarily mean that the driver is careless. Hence, Option C cannot be the conclusion.

Since it is said that most of the accidents involving four wheelers take place when they are driven at speeds above 100 km/hr on roads having very little traffic, it can be concluded that most of such accidents take place on roads having very little traffic.

Hence, Option B is correct as the conclusion.

5. The President expressed concern over the quick pull-out of the investors’ money. He also said that this happened primarily due to the economic crisis in Asia and the pull-out is badly affecting the European stock market. Investors said that they are in need of funds to stabilize their operations in the Asian markets.

Which of the following statements represents an inference that can be drawn from the above text?

A. Some of the investors’ money that was pulled out was invested in the European stock market.
B. The investors do not have sufficient money to handle Asian crisis and also to remain invested in the European stock market.
C. There is no lock-in period for the investors’ money for pull-out.
D. The pulled-out investors’ money will be used by the institutions for their Asian operations.

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Answer: Option B


The given text does not say whether the investors pulled out after expiry of the lock-in period or whether there is no lock-in period at all. Hence Option C is incorrect.

It is stated that the main reason for the pull-out of funds is the Asian crisis. From this it can be concluded that this money is going to be used in Asia. Hence, Option D is a conclusion.

It is stated that the pull-out is affecting the European stock market. From this it may be understood that some of the investors’ money that is pulled out was earlier invested in the European stock market. But that can’t be said with surety. Hence, Option A is not an inference.

The investors are pulling out money from Europe in the wake of the Asian crisis. From this it can be understood that they need money to face the crisis, and in that situation they are unable to keep invested in the European stock market.

Therefore, Option B is the correct and only inference.

6. According to the Defence Minister, in order to keep the Army personnel fit and healthy, both physically and mentally, yoga sessions should be conducted. This in turn will keep them motivated and help them win the public’s trust. 

Which of the following statements weakens the defence minister’s argument for the need of yoga sessions?

A. Different nations use different methods to keep their armed personnel motivated.
B. It is found that yoga is the only way to gain fitness, both physical and mental.
C. Currently, yoga is not a part of the training provided to armed personnel.
D. Yoga helps in curing certain kinds of heart ailments.

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Answer: Option A


According to the Defence Minister, yoga must be conducted to keep army personnel mentally and physically fit. But according to Option A, there are other methods to do so. This weakens the stand point that yoga is the only way. Hence, Option A weakens the argument.

7. There is an alarming rise in the number of times lawyers have made unwanted remarks in courts aimed at persons not present before them. There is a need to bring such conduct under the ambit of judicial standards.

Which of the following is an assumption in the above text?

A. While in official capacity, freedom of expression cannot be exercised.
B. No one has set any standards for lawyers so far.
C. Lawyers are expected to stick to judicial standards.
D. For lawyers to pass comments on other people in their absence is not desirable.

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Answer: Option B


According to the given text, the behaviour of lawyers who comment on other people in their absence should be brought under judicial standards. This implies that there are certain standards which already exist. Hence, Option D can be inferred from the text.

Option C contradicts the information given in the text.

The text is referring to passing particular kind of comments but it is not against every kind of comment. Hence, Option A cannot be the assumption.

The first sentence in the passage states that the number of times is increasing. It does not mention whether it is a good sign or not. The next statement wants such behaviour to be brought under judicial standards. From this it is clear that the assumption involved is that such conduct is not acceptable. Hence, Option B is the assumption in the given text.



8. In its landmark judgement, the honourable Supreme Court of India gave females the right to terminate their pregnancy quoting that it’s their constitutional right.

Which of the following, if true, can go against the Supreme Court’s judgement?

A. Abortion is illegal in many other nations.
B. The embryo from which the foetus is formed should also be treated as a person if a foetus can be treated as a person.
C. It’s every person’s fundamental right to live and the unborn child should be treated as a person as well.
D. The proposal to make abortion illegal was rejected in a 20-80 vote by the elected representatives of one of the states.

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Answer: Option C


Option A does not state that every other nation considers abortion as illegal. There is a possibility that there are some nations which treat abortion as legal. Hence, Option A does not weaken the judgement or the argument.

According to Option D, the elected representatives are supporting making abortion legal. So, this option is the incorrect answer choice.

Option B does not state anything in favour or against the judgement. It is out of context.

Option C implies that the judgement of the court goes against the fundamental rights. This makes the court’s judgement unarguable. Hence, Option C goes against the honourable supreme court’s judgement. In other words, it weakens the judgement or the argument.



9.  Pike is a fish found in the eastern rivers. It got accidentally introduced into the western rivers, and now it feeds on Walleye, the variety of fish which flourishes in the western rivers, threatening its ecosystem. To find out the extent of Pike’s spread, the fisheries division has produced a small card with a picture of the Pike on it and the danger posed by it. The card also contains the telephone number of the fisheries division requesting the fishermen to call if they caught any Pike.

Which of the following statements, if true, provides most support to the prediction of the fisheries division that their action will produce the desired result?

A. When Pike was introduced in the northern rivers on an experimental basis, it led to the extinction of local species.
B. Fishing is done in the day and Pike feeds in the night.
C. Not too many people liked the taste of Pike and so earlier efforts to market it in western area failed.
D. Since Walleye is in demand locally, most fisherman like to preserve the flora and fauna of the western rivers.

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Answer: Option D


Option C does not state whether the department will receive information from the fishermen.

According to Option B, the fishermen will not be able to catch Pike and hence the fisheries division may not get any information This weakens the prediction of the fisheries division.

Option A does not state whether the local fishermen are interested in the conservation of Walleye. Therefore, this doesn’t strengthen the prediction of the fisheries division.

According to Option D, the local people also wish to conserve the rivers. From this it can be said that the local people would definitely contact the fisheries division if they catch Pike. Hence, Option D provides support to the prediction of the fisheries division.