Sentences given in each question are labelled with a number. Choose the most logical order of the sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.


1. The King of the land wanted to wear a Golden Crown. He gave some gold to a goldsmith to make a suitable crown.
2. The King looked at the colour of the crown. He had a suspicion. The goldsmith could have stolen some gold from the gold given to him.
3. After a few days, the goldsmith brought the finished crown to the King. The crown was weighed. The weight of the crown was equal to the gold given to the goldsmith by the King.
4. Archimedes was a Greek scientist. He lives in Syracuse nearly 200 years ago.
5. The King wanted to find out the truth. He asked his court scientist Archimedes to find out. The King said, “Find out how much gold had been stolen?”

A. 41325
B. 14325
C. 13452
D. 32514

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Answer: Option A


Options B & C begin with The King of the land….Here the definite article the tells us that the author must have established which land sometime earlier in the paragraph in order to refer to it later. Hence, this sentence cannot be the 1st sentence of the paragraph. Options B & C can therefore be eliminated.

Option D begins with After a few days…This cannot be the 1st sentence of the paragraph since something must have happened before a few days which we don’t know about. Hence, this option is also eliminated.

By rule of elimination, Option A is the correct answer.


1. An interesting note: Cavers who witnessed earthquakes while underground have described sounds as if a distant aircraft was passing by, as in becoming perceptibly louder, then fading away.
2. So are caves safe in earthquakes? Generally yes, but it depends on the cave characteristics and where you are in it.
3. These effects are far short of a total passage collapse, but collapse of portions of cave ceilings has been observed in caves, notably from caves in Missouri and Indiana near the New Madrid and Wabash seismic zones.
4. Shaking effects inside caves include damage to delicate formations like soda straw stalactites that effectively “die” and stop growing. Sometimes stalagmites or columns can be toppled. Toppled or not, renewed growth on them can occur.

A. 3421
B. 1432
C. 2431
D. 4321

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Answer: Option D


Option A begins with These effects….The pronoun These indicates that the author must have established the concept of effects in the paragraph earlier on. So this sentence cannot be the opening line of the paragraph. Therefore, Option A is eliminated.

Option B begins with An interesting note….Notes such as these are usually mentioned at the end of paragraphs to give extra information to the reader. So this sentence cannot be the opening line of the paragraph. Therefore, Option B is also eliminated.

Option C begins with So are caves…? So is a conclusive indicator and hence must appear towards the end of the paragraph. So this sentence cannot be the opening line of the paragraph. Therefore, Option C is also eliminated.

By rule of elimination, Option D is the correct answer.


1. The company went on to buy other board game companies like Avalon Hill, Wizards of the Coast, and Coleco.
2. Though the acquisition raised antitrust concerns, the FTC never took action. And just like that, a once wide-open industry was largely closed to competition.
3. Founded by the Hassenfeld brothers in 1923, Hasbro became a player in board games in the early 1980s when it acquired Milton Bradley.
4. In 1991, it wrangled Parker Brothers away from Tonka.

A. 1243
B. 2431
C. 3214
D. 3142

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Answer: Option D


The key indicators in the given sentences are went on to (sequence indicator), Though (contrast indicator), 1923 (sequence indicator) and 1991 (sequence indicator).

By logic, in this case 1923 must appear before 1991. Therefore, Options A & B are eliminated.

Though the acquisition… (contrast indicator) in Sentence 2 must appear after Sentence 1 which establishes the idea of acquisition. Hence, Option C is eliminated.

By rule of elimination, Option D is the correct answer.

4. The reconstruction of history by post-revolutionary science texts involves more than a multiplication of historical misconstructions.

1. Because they aim quickly to acquaint the student with what the contemporary scientific community thinks it knows, textbooks treat the various experiments, concepts, laws and theories of the current normal science as separately and as nearly seriatim as possible.
2. Those misconstructions render revolutions invisible; the arrangement of the still visible material in science texts implies a process that, if it existed, would deny revolutions a function.
3. But when combined with the generally unhistorical air of science writing and with the occasional systematic misconstruction, one impression is likely to follow.
4. As pedagogy this technique of presentation is unexceptionable.

Science has reached its present state by a series of individual discoveries and inventions that, when gathered together, constitute the modern body of technical knowledge.

A. 2143
B. 2413
C. 4132
D. 3241

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Answer: Option A


After reading all sentences, it becomes apparent that Sentence 1 should immediately follow the opening sentence because of a reference to Those misconstructions. Hence, Options C & D are rejected.

Sentence 4 mentions this technique of presentation. Since there is no reference of any technique in the opening sentence or in Sentence 2, Option B is rejected because Sentence 4 cannot immediately follow Sentence 2.

By rule of elimination, Option A is the correct answer.


1. The team then asked the participants to watch a heart-warming film about an Olympic win, and questioned them about their feelings afterwards.
2. Mauss and her colleagues wanted to see if they could manipulate people’s attitudes to alter their happiness in the short-term.
3. To do so, they asked half their participants to read a fake newspaper article extolling the importance of happiness, while the control group read a similar article about the benefits of “good judgement”, with no reference to emotion.
4. Once again, they noted an ironic effect: the film was less likely to buoy the mood of the people who had been primed to desire greater happiness, compared with the people who had read the neutral article.

A. 1234
B. 2413
C. 3142
D. 2314

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Answer: Option D


Sentence 1 contains then asked…which tells us that something must have happened before that time. So this certainly cannot be the opening line of the paragraph. Therefore, Option A is eliminated.

Sentence 2 sounds like a general statement which could possibly be the opening line of the paragraph. Therefore, we can park Options B & D aside for now.

Sentence 3 contains To do so…. This cannot be the opening line of the paragraph because the author has not yet established to do what? Therefore, Option C is eliminated.

Sentences 1 & 4 discuss a film. On reading these sentences, it is easy to conclude that Sentence 4 must follow Sentence 1. Therefore, Option B is also rejected since it doesn’t conform to the required sequence.

By rule of elimination, Option D is the correct answer.


1. Pilots almost always flew against their squadron mates, which meant they had little if any experience of fighting aircraft with different performance characteristics.
2. Even fewer pilots had any experience of going up against equipment, tactics, or capabilities that emulated a potential enemy.
3. A critical component in the performance of American pilots was determined as a deficiency in training against dissimilar types.
4. The Red Baron reports looked at every significant air-to-air engagement of the war, and what factors led to a win or a loss.

A. 4321
B. 4312
C. 4132
D. 3241

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Answer: Option B


After reading all the sentences, it can be identified that the purpose of the author is to discuss what factors lead to a poor performance by American pilots. Knowing this makes it obvious that Sentence 4 should be the opening line of the paragraph. This eliminates Option D.

Sentence 3 talks about deficiency in training and Sentences 1 & 2 fortify it by giving related examples. Therefore, Sentence 3 must appear before Sentences 1 & 2. This eliminates Option C.

Finally, pay close attention to the words Even fewer pilots in Sentence 2. The comparative degree will make sense only if something that it can be compared to has been established already. Hence, Sentence 1 must appear before Sentence 2. This eliminates Option A.

By rule of elimination, Option B is the correct answer.


1. In mere months, science became thoroughly COVID-ized.
2. The coronavirus that causes it, SARS CoV 2, had only recently jumped into humans and had been neither identified nor named.
3. Thousands of researchers dropped whatever intellectual puzzles had previously consumed their curiosity and began working on the pandemic instead.
4. But by the end of March 2020, it had spread to more than 170 countries, sickened more than 750,000 people, and triggered the biggest pivot in the history of modern science.
5. In fall of 2019, exactly zero scientists were studying COVID 19, because no one knew the disease existed

A. 52431
B. 53241
C. 12345
D. 31245

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Answer: Option A


But identifying key phrases– In fall of 2019, But by the end of March 2020 and In mere months, we can be sure that Sentences 5 & 1 should be the opening and closing lines of the paragraph respectively. Since Sentence 4 contains a contrast indicator But, it should appear somewhere in the middle of the paragraph in this case. Only Options A & B follow this trend. Therefore, the rest of the Options can be rejected.

Between Sentences 2 & 3, the concept of pandemic must be established before it can be referred to in Sentence 3 (the pandemic) i.e. Sentence 2 must appear before Sentence 3 for a logical progression. Hence, Option B is rejected.

By rule of elimination, Option A is the correct answer.


1. To begin, the researchers began by establishing that people do, in fact, assign more tasks to those they perceived as more competent.
2. In a separate experiment, undergrads were asked to delegate essays for proofreading to other students with varying levels of self-control.
3. When Sam was presented as someone with great self-control, participants expected much more of Sam’s performance at his manufacturing job.
4. In a survey, participants read statements about a fictional employee “Sam”—different groups read different statements about Sam indicating how much self-control he had (self-control was used as a proxy for competence).
5. Unsurprisingly those with more self-control ended up with more work assigned to them.

A. 13425
B. 25431
C. 14325
D. 14352

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Answer: Option C


Sentence 1 contains an introductory indicator To begin and it seems that this sentence could be the opening line of the paragraph. Therefore, we’ll park Options A, C & D aside for now.

Sentences 3 & 4 discuss a character Sam. On reading these sentences, it is easy to conclude that Sentence 3 must follow Sentence 4. Therefore, Option A is rejected since it doesn’t conform to the required sequence.

Sentence 2 discusses a separate experiment. This cannot be the opening line of the paragraph since the author has not yet talked about an earlier experiment. Therefore, Option B is rejected.

On comparing all other sentences to Sentence 5, it easy to tell that this sentence is a conclusive statement and hence should be the closing line of the paragraph. Therefore, Option D is rejected.

By rule of elimination, Option C is the correct answer choice.


1. In 2007, Diane Barrett, a former food science and technology researcher at the University of California, Davis, reviewed numerous studies looking into the nutritional content of fresh, frozen and tinned fruits and vegetables.
2. Refrigerating produce slows down the process of nutrition degradation, although the rate at which nutritional value is lost varies from one product to the next.
3. But carrots, by contrast, only lose 27% of their vitamin C content when stored for a week at room temperature.
4. She found that spinach, for example, loses 100% of its vitamin C content in seven days if stored at a room temperature of 20C (68F); it loses 75% if refrigerated.

A. 2413
B. 1432
C. 2143
D. 1234

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Answer: Option C


Pronoun (She) in Sentence 4 cannot appear before noun (Diane Barrett) in Sentence 1; therefore, Option A can be eliminated.

But carrots…. in Sentence 3 contains a contrast indicator But which implies that there must be a comparison of carrots with another similar entity earlier in the paragraph. It makes sense for Sentence 4 to appear before Sentence 3. Hence, Option D can be eliminated.

Between Sentence 1 and Sentence 2, the latter sounds like a more general statement and therefore more appropriate to be the opening line of the paragraph. Hence, Option B is eliminated.

By rule of elimination, Option C is the correct answer.


1. “We used to have our Gmail constantly opened,” he said. Then they heard about a slick new instant-messenger service named Slack that promised to streamline office communication: “There was this hype, so we decided to try it.”
2. In 2016, I interviewed an entrepreneur named Sean who had co-founded a small technology start-up based in London.
3. When I spoke with him, some time had passed since this incident, but the memory of the service’s omnipresent notification ping remained strong. “I hear that sound, it gives me the shivers,” he said.
4. As with many organizations at that time, Sean and his team relied on e-mail as their primary collaboration tool.
5. Once the team switched to the tool, the rate of back-and-forth messaging intensified, eventually reaching a stressful peak when a demanding client insisted on the ability to directly communicate with Sean’s employees using Slack.
6. The team soon burned out, and two engineers quit. In desperation, Sean moved the company off Slack.

A. 123456
B. 241563
C. 241536
D. 235614

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Answer: Option B


Sentence 1 cannot be the opening line of the paragraph since the identity of he has not been established before it. Therefore, Option A is eliminated.

Sentence 2 sounds like a general statement which could possibly be the opening line of the paragraph. So we can park Options B, C & D aside for now.

Sentence 3 cannot appear immediately after Sentence 2 because the latter has no mention of the incident that the author writes about in Sentence 3. Therefore, Option D is rejected.

Sentence 6 explains the incident mentioned in Sentence 3. Therefore Option B is the correct answer choice since it logically mentions Sentence 6 before Sentence 3.

Between Sentence 1 and Sentence 2, the latter sounds like a more general statement and therefore more appropriate to be the opening line of the paragraph. Hence, Option B is eliminated.

By rule of elimination, Option C is the correct answer.