1. The ratio between the marks scored by A and B in an exam is 5:4. If A scored 20 marks more than B, find the marks scored by A. Easy
A. 80
B. 100
C. 60
D. None of these

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Answer: Option B


A/B = 5/4 —– ❶

A = 20+B —– ❷
-> (20+B)/B = 5/4
-> 80 + 4B = 5B
-> B = 80
-> A = 100

2. The ratio between two numbers is 5:6. What number must be added to them so that the ratio between these numbers becomes 7:8 and the sum of their terms becomes 60? Easy
A. 4
B. 8
C. 12
D. None of these

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Answer: Option B


Let the numbers be 5x and 6x, let y be added to these numbers
-> (5x+y)/(6x+y) = 7/8
-> y = 2x —– ❶
Also (5x+y) + (6x+y) = 60
-> 11x+2y = 60 —– ❷
From ❶ & ❷, 11x+4x = 60
x = 4, and y = 8

3. If a: b = 3: 4, b: c = 5: 6, and c: d = 2: 3, find a: b: c: d. Easy
A. 15:20:14:36
B. 15:20:24:32
C. 15:20:24:36
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


The common part between a: b and b: c is b. So, we make b the same in both ratios to get values of a and c. LCM of 4 and 5 is 20.
Given, a: b = 3: 4 -> a: b = 15: 20 —– ❶
Also, given b: c = 5: 6 -> b: c = 20: 24 —– ❷
From ❶ & ❷, a: b: c = 15: 20: 24
Now c: d = 2: 3 -> when c is 24, d is (3/2)*24 = 36
-> a: b: c: d = 15: 20: 24: 36

Check options to conclude that option C is the answer.

4. If a: b = 5: 6, determine (5a+4b)/(4a+3b). Easy
A. 49/38
B. 31/22
C. 31/28
D. None of these

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Answer: Option A


Dividing both the numerator & denominator by b, we get
(5a+34)/(4a+3b) = (5a/(b+4))/(4a/(b+3))
Putting a/b = 5/6, we get ((5*5)/6+4)/((4*5)/6+3) = 49/38

5. The ratio between the incomes of A and B is 5:4 and the ratio between their expenditures is 4:3. If A saves one-fourth of his income, find the ratio between the savings of A & B. Medium
A. 11/19
B. 12/19
C. 20/19
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


Income Expenditure Savings (S)
A 5x 4y 5x – 4y
B 4x 3y 4x -3y

For A, 5x – 4y = 5x/4

-> 20x – 16y = 5x

-> x/y = 16/15 —– ❶

Therefore, desired ratio = (5x-4y)/(4x-3y)

Dividing numerator and denominator by y, we get

(5x/y – 4)/(4x/y – 3) —– ❷

Putting x/y = 16/15 in ❷, we get As/Bs = 20/19

6. The ratio between the ages of mother and son is 8: 3. Mother was 28 years old when she gave birth to her only daughter. If son is 8 years elder to the daughter, find the present age of the mother. Medium
A. 24
B. 32
C. 36
D. None of these

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Answer: Option B


Let mother’s age be 8x, then son’s age will be 3x
-> daughter’s age = 3x-8
Now when daughter was born, mother’s age was 8x-(3x-8) = 28 (given) -> x = 4
Hence, mother’s present age = 8x = 8*4 = 32 years

7. If a+b: b+c: c+a = 5: 6: 7 and a+b+c = 18. What is the value of abc/4? Easy
A. 32
B. 24
C. 48
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


Let k be a constant. Then,
a+b = 5k —– ❶
b+c = 6k —– ❷
c+a = 7k —– ❸
Adding ❶, ❷ & ❸, we get 2(a+b+c) = 18k
-> a+b+c = 9k
-> k = 18/9 = 2
Now, a = (a+b+c) – (b +c) = 18-(6*2) = 6
Similarly, b =4, and c= 8
-> abc/4 = (6*4*8)/4 = 48

8. A, B, C and D bought a product for Rs. 90000. A paid one fifth of the sum of the amounts paid by the others, B paid two third of the sum of the amounts paid by the others, and C paid one third of the sum of the amounts paid by the others. How much did D have to pay? Medium
A. Rs. 36000
B. Rs. 22500
C. Rs. 16500
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


A: others = 1: 5
-> A paid= (1/6) * 90000 = 15000

B: others = 2:3
-> B paid = (2/5) * 90000 = 36000

C: others = 1:3
-> C paid = (1/4) * 90000 = 22500

-> D paid = 90000 – 15000 – 36000 – 22500 = 16500

9. P is twice as old as Q is today. A few years back, he was thrice as old and half that number of years prior to that, he was 5 times as old, and 6 years before that he was as old as Q is today. What is P’s age, and how many years back was P thrice as old as Q? Difficult
A. 48, 12
B. 48, 6
C. 56, 12
D. None of these

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Answer: Option A


Let Q’s age be x, then P’s age will be 2x
Let the few years be y years.
-> 2x-y = 3(x-y)
-> x = 2y —– ❶
Also, it is given that 2x-y –(y/2) = 5(x-y-(y/2))
-> x = 2y (same as ❶)
Further, 2x-y-(y/2)-6 = x
-> x = (3y/2) + 6 —– ❷
From ❶ & ❷, we get x = 24
P’s age = 2*24 = 48
Also, from ❶, y = x/2 = 12

10. The ratio of a two-digit natural number to a number formed by reversing its digits is 13: 31. Which of the following is the sum of the differences of all the numbers of all such pairs? Difficult
A. 108
B. 264
C. 216
D. None of these

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Answer: Option A


Let the two-digit number be ab, which in the notational form can be written as a+10b. Number formed by reversing the digits is ba, which can be written as 10b+a.
Given, (10a+b)/(10b+a) = 13/31

-> 310a+ 31b = 130b + 13a
-> 297a = 99b
-> a/b = 1/3
Two-digit numbers satisfying this condition are 13, 26 and 39. The numbers formed by reversing the digits are 31, 62 and 93.
Required sum = (31-13)+(62-26)+(93-39)
= 108