1. Neha dates four men – army officer, lawyer, trainer, IT engineer – over four years, she prefers her dates to be tall, fair and handsome. The following facts are available:
i. No two of the four men have the same number of preferred traits.
ii. Only the army officer or the IT engineer is tall and dark.
iii. Only the lawyer or the trainer is short and handsome.
iv. The army officer and the trainer are either both tall or both short.
v. The lawyer and the IT engineer are either both fair or both dark.
Who is tall, fair and handsome?
A. Army Officer
B. IT Engineer
C. Trainer
D. Lawyer

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Answer: Option C


For convenience, let the army officer be represented by A, the lawyer by B, the trainer by C and the IT engineer by D. Also, let the preferred traits be represented as T for tall, F for fair and H for handsome. NT for not tall, NF for not fair and NH for not handsome, then, the following cases arise:

Case I: Only A is tall and dark between A and D
->A = T+NF…. from ii
Then, from iii, two possibilities arise I.1 and I.2
I.1 -> B = NT+H —– (from iii)
Further, two possibilities arise; I.1.(i) & I.1.(ii)
I.1.(i) -> A = T and C = T —– (from iv)
Further, two possibilities arise, I.1.(i).α and I.1.(ii).β
I.1.(i).α -> B = F and D = F —– (from v)
If this is true, then the following is true:
A = T+NF
B = NT + H + F
C = T
D = F
This is not possible because from condition i, one of them has no trait, one has one trait, one has two traits and the remaining one has all three traits. But in I.1.(i).α, none of them has no traits.
I.1.(ii).β -> B = NF and D = NF —– (from v)
If this is true, then the following is true:
A = T + NF
B = NT + H + NF
C = T
D = NF
This possibility can’t be overruled.
I.1.(ii) -> A = NT and C = NT —– (from iv)
However, this is not possible because this case already establishes A to be tall.
I.2 -> C = NT+H —– (from iii)
Further, two possibilities arise; I.2.(i) & I.2.(ii)
I.2.(i) -> A = T and C = T —– (from iv)
This is not possible because this case already established C to be NT.
I.2.(ii) -> A = NT and C = NT —– (from iv)
This is not possible because this case already establishes A to be T.

Case II: Only D is tall and dark between A and D
-> D = T = NF —– (from ii)
Then, two possibilities arise: II.1 and II.2
II.1 -> B = NT + H —– (from iii)
Further, two possibilities arise: II.1.(i) and II.1.(ii)
II.1.(i) -> A = T and C = T —– (from iv)
This is not possible because from condition i, at least one of them has to have no traits.
II.1.(ii) -> A = NT and C = NT —– (from iv)
This is also not possible because in this case all of them lack at least one trait, however from i, one person has all these traits.
II.2 -> C = NT+H —– (from iii)
Further, two possibilities arise: II.2.(i) and II.2.(ii)
II.2.(i) -> A = T and C = T —– (from iv)
This is not possible because II.2 assumes that C = NT
II.2.(ii) -> A = NT and C = NT —– (from iv)
Further, two possibilities arise: II.2.(ii).α and II.2.(ii).β
II.2.(ii).α -> B = F and D = F
This is not possible because II assumes that D is NF.
II.2.(ii).β -> B = NF and D = NF
If this is true, then the following has to be true:
A = NT
B = NF
C = NT
D = NF
This is not possible because one of them has all three traits.
By exploring all possibilities, we conclude that only I.1.(i).β is possible, where:
A = T+NF
C = T
D = NF
->D is the only person who does not possess even a single trait -> D = NF+NT+NH
Also, B is the person with one trait i.e. H
So, between A and C, one person has 2 traits and the other has all three. Since, A is NF, he can’t have all 3 traits; so, A = T+NF+H and C = T+F+H.
Therefore, the trainer is the person who is tall, fair and handsome


2. A, B and C are related to each other.
i. Among the three are A’s spouse, B’s sibling and C’s sister-in-law.
ii. A’s spouse and B’s sibling are of the same gender.
iii. Marriage between same gender is not permissible.
Who among them is a married man?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. Can’t be determined

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Answer: Option B


C’s sister-in-law has to be a female, A is a married person and B has a sibling.

Two possibilities arise:

Case I: C’s sister-in-law is A – Further two possibilities:

  1. A and B are married -> B is the married man and B’s brother is C, since B’s sibling (i.e., C) and A’s spouse (i.e., B) are of the same gender. This is possible.
  2. B and C are married -> This is not possible because A has to be one of the married persons.

Case II: C’s sister-in-law is B – Further two possibilities:

  1. A and B are married -> A is the married man. But this is not possible because C cannot be B’s sibling and A is also ruled out.
  2. A and C are married -> This is also not possible because in this A’s spouse (i.e., C) and B’s sibling (i.e. A) are of the same gender and can’t be married.

So, the only possibility is Case I – 1, where B is the married man.

3. A, B, C and D play games of dice where the loser doubles the amount of money of all other players. If four games are played in all and A, B, C and D lose these games in this sequence only, and if each player has Rs. 96 at the end of the fourth game, then what is the amount with A at the beginning of the game? Medium
A. 102
B. 54
C. 198
D. 30

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Answer: Option C


  • D loses the fourth game, so he doubles the amount with A, B and C -> A, B and C all had Rs. 48 each at the end of third game and D had (48*3)+96 = 240.
  • C loses the third game, so he doubles the amount with A, B and D -> A and B had Rs. 24 each at the end of second game; D has Rs. 120 and C had 48+(120+48) = 216
  • B loses the second game, so he doubles the amount with A, C and D -> A had Rs. 12 at the end of 1st game; C had Rs. 108(=216/2); D had Rs. 60 (=120/2) and B had 24+(12+108+60) = 204
  • A loses the first game, so he doubles the amount with B, C and D -> B had Rs. 102(=204/2) at the beginning; C had Rs. 54 (=108/2); D had Rs. 30 (=60/2) and A had 12+(102+54+30) = 198 at the beginning. The information is shown in the following table.
A B C D Total
End of 4th game 96 96 96 96 384
End of 3rd game 48 48 48 240 384
End of 2nd game 24 24 216 120 384
End of 1st game 12 204 108 60 384
Beginning 198 102 54 30 384



The approach to be used is to work backwards, the starting point being the end of 4th game.