Directions – Study the information and answer the questions that follow.

The pie chart shows A’s household expenses for the month of June in Year X.

1. If A’s expenses for June in Year X total Rs 45000, how much more did he spend on grocery as compared to entertainment? Easy
A. 1800
B. 1500
C. 1200
D. None of these

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Answer: Option A


Required amount = (0.22-0.18) * 45000 = 1800

2. What is the difference, in degrees, between the angles subtended at the centre of the pie by the arcs representing rent and entertainment? Easy
A. 54
B. 36
C. 18
D. None of these

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Answer: Option A


1% = 3.6 degrees
-> Angle subtended at the center of the pie by the arc representing rent = 50*3.6 = 180
Also, angle subtended at the center of the pie by the arc representing entertainment = 10*3.6 = 36

Required difference = 180-36 = 144 degrees

3.Assume that A makes the entire payment in each of the expense categories by cash, debit card and credit card in the ratio 3:5:2 respectively. If he pays rupees P by cash for rent, rupees Q by cash for insurance, rupees R by debit card for entertainment, and rupees S by credit card for grocery, then approximately how much more, in percentage, is (P+Q) as compared to (R+S)? Difficult
A. 117%
B. 107%
C. 67%
D. None of these

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Answer: Option D


Suppose the total expense is Rs x
-> P = (3/10)* 0.5*x = 3x/20
Q = (3/10)*0.18x = 27x/500
P+Q= (3x/20)+(27x/500) = 102x/500
R = (5/10)*0.1x = x/20
S = (2/10)*0.22x = 22x/500
R+S = (x/20)+(22x/500) = 47x/500

-> Required percentage = (((102x/500)-47x/500))/(47x/500))*100
= 117.02%

Directions for Q4 and Q5:

Suppose that there is a similar expense distribution pie chart, with the same expense categories, for another person B for the month of June in year X, such that:

i. the arc representing insurance subtends an angle of 36 degrees at the centre;

ii. the sector representing grocery is 8 percentage points more than that in the expense distribution pie chart for A.

iii. the sector representing entertainment is 40% more than that in the expense distribution pie chart for A.

4. If B spends Rs 50000 in all towards his expenses in June, then how much more, in rupees, does he pay for rent as compared to that for entertainment? Difficult
A. 18000
B. 16000
C. 8000
D. None of these

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Answer: Option B


Percentage expense break-up for B for June in Year X is as under:

Insurance = (36/360) * 100 = 10%

Grocery = 8+22 = 30%

Entertainment = 1.4*10 = 14%

Rent = 100-(10+30+14) = 46%


-> Required amount = (0.46-0.14)*50000 =16000


5. Assume that in the June of year Y, the percentage expense distribution pie for both A and B changes as under:
i. Rent for B remains the same, while that for A increases by 10%.
ii. Grocery for A decreases by 2 percentage points, while that for B increases by 40%.
iii. Insurance for A is the same as that for B in year X, while that for B decreases by 5 percentage points.
By what percentage is the entertainment expense for A in June of year Y more/less than that for B in June of that year if their total monthly expense is in the ratio 2:3 respectively.
A. 39.56% less
B. 28.34% more
C. 28.34% less
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


Percentage expense break-up for A for June in Year Y is as under:

Rent = 1.1*50 = 55%

Grocery = 22-2 = 20%

Insurance = 10%

Entertainment = 100-(55+20+10) = 15%

Percentage expense break-up for B for June in year Y is as under:

Rent = 46%

Grocery = 1.4*30 = 42%

Insurance = 10-5= 5%

Entertainment = 100-(46+42+5) = 7%


Let the expense for A in June of year Y = 2x

-> Expense for B in June of year Y = 3x

Entertainment expense for A = 1.15(2x) = 2.3x

Entertainment expense for B = 1.07(3x) = 3.21x

Required percentage = ((2.3x-3.21x)/3.21x)*100 = -28.34%