Smart Energy Water (SEW)

Pattern of the Test

Two tests: an aptitude test and a technical test.

The aptitude test consisted of approximately 40 questions to be completed in 30 minutes, while the technical test lasted 55 minutes and included basic coding questions, SQL queries, and multiple-choice questions covering various core computer science subjects.


Group/Case Discussion

Technical Interview

The Technical Interview lasted around 25 minutes.

Candidates were asked to introduce themselves, discuss their preference for coding styles (object-oriented or normal), and explain algorithms such as merge sort.

They were also asked to elaborate on a project from their BTech studies. If the candidate mentioned a DBMS project, subsequent questions focused on DBMS topics like inner join, outer join, primary key, and foreign key.

The interview concluded with questions about the candidate’s interests in various fields such as web development, app development, and machine learning, and which of these they would like to pursue in the future.


HR Interview

The HR Interview lasted between 10 to 12 minutes and included standard HR questions. Candidates were asked why they should be selected, why they wanted to join SEW, and where they saw themselves in the future.

It was beneficial for candidates to prepare their answers in alignment with the job profiles offered by the company or the specific job profile they were interested in.