Four alternative summaries are given below each of the following texts. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the text.

1. Physically, inertia is a feeling that you just can’t move; mentally, it is a sluggish mind. Even if you try to be sensitive, if your mind is sluggish, you just don’t feel anything intensely. You may even see a tragedy enacted in front of your eyes and not be able to respond meaningfully. You may see one person exploiting another, one group persecuting another, and not be able to get angry. Your energy is frozen. You are not deliberately refusing to act; you just don’t have the capacity.


A. Physical inertia stops your body from moving; mental inertia freezes your energy, and stops your mind from responding meaningfully to events, even tragedies, in front of you
B. When you have inertia you don’t act although you see one person exploiting another or one group persecuting another. You don’t get angry because you are incapable.
C. Inertia is of two types — physical and mental. Physical inertia restricts bodily movements. Mental inertia prevents mental response to events enacted in front of your eyes.
D. Inertia makes your body and mind sluggish. They become insensitive to tragedies, exploitation, and persecution because it freezes your energy and decapacitates it.

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Answer: Option A


Option B is eliminated because it implies that if one suffers from inertia, one will definitely run into problems. The tone of the author in the given passage is not that extreme because according to him/her, one may experience difficulties.

Option D is eliminated because according to the passage, only the mind becomes sluggish as a result of inertia.

Option C is eliminated because the words ‘restricts’ and ‘prevents’ are too extreme. According to the given passage, because of inertia ‘you just don’t feel anything intensely’ and are ‘not be able to respond meaningfully’.

Therefore, Option A best summarizes the given text.

2. Over 90 stalls were put up at the German Christmas market at the Indo-German chamber of commerce this year and the buyers had plenty to choose from. This fare has plenty of options, unlike shops. The attendants told us that the fare at the market changes every year. Mira Sachdev, who works for an event management company said, “I was looking for huge candles for ceremonial lighting, but, this year their designs are different, so I have placed orders for them”. Julian, a French national who was shopping for gifts, told that plants could be the best gifts for Christmas. She said, “This is not a paper Christmas fare but quite close. I liked the bonsai collection a lot and considering the pollution in Delhi, I think plants are the best gifts to give on Christmas”. Another shopper Maia, from the US, told, “You can find decorative items in any market but the wooden Santa and the woollen dolls are unique here “


A The German Christmas market has to offer much more things than a traditional s.hop and all those who are shopping there admit the same and they consider that the trees are the best gift to present, for the pollution level in Delhi is damn high.
B. The fare at the German Christmas market is an attraction to the people who come here to shop because the fare offers a range of articles and it also considers the element of pollution level in Delhi – a good initiative on the go.
C. The fare has a lot of things to offer ranging from one side to the beautiful candles and trees. Also, the fare is a matter of great joy for those who are to shop here, as they have got a lot of articles to choose from and the prices are never dear to them.
D. The pollution level in Delhi has forced the organisers of the fare to go for the articles that are environment friendly and that also meet the budget of the shoppers so that they can come in large numbers and making it a huge success.

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Answer: Option A


Option B is eliminated because it is not true that ‘it also considers the element of pollution level in Delhi’.

Option C is eliminated because it introduces a new idea of ‘the prices are never dear to them’ which is not mentioned in the given passage.

Option D is eliminated because, ‘The pollution level in Delhi has forced the organisers of the fare to go for the articles that are environment friendly’ is not true according to the given passage.

Option A best captures the theme of the passage.

3.I have been studying it, consciously and subconsciously, for 40 years and I still find men unaccountable; people I know intimately can surprise me by some action of theirs which I never thought them capable of or by the discovery of some trait which exhibit a side of themselves that I never even suspected.

The idea in the sentence can be best summarised as:


A. Men are inconsistent and therefore one should not be confident even about one’s closest friends.
B. No matter how closely you know somebody there still exists an unknown facet of his personality.
C. Men are unpredictable, one can never tell what they will do next; hence, one should be very careful in one’s dealings.
D. None of the above

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Answer: Option B


The central idea of the given passage is that even if one knows someone very closely, there still are some aspects of the other person’s personality which remain unrevealed.

Options A & C are eliminated because the author of the given passage does not suggest that men are not worthy of trust.

Hence, Option B best summarizes the given passage.

4. The conceptualization of landscape as a geometric object first occurred in Europe and is historically related to the European conceptualization of the organism, particularly the human body, as a geometric object with parts having a rational, three-dimensional organization and integration. The European idea of landscape appeared before the science of landscape emerged, and it is no coincidence that Renaissance artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, who studied the structure of the human body, also facilitated an understanding of the structure of landscape. Landscape which had been a subordinate background to religious or historical narratives, became an independent genre or subject of art by the end of sixteenth century or the beginning of the seventeenth century.


A. The study of landscape as an independent genre was aided by the Renaissance artists.
B. Landscape became a major subject of art at the turn of the sixteenth century.
C. The three-dimensional understanding of the organism in Europe led to a similar approach towards the understanding of landscape.
D. The Renaissance artists were responsible for the study of landscape as a subject of art.

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Answer: Option A


Option B although factually correct is eliminated because it does not summarize the passage. It only highlights a fact listed in the passage.

Option C is eliminated because according to the given passage, “The conceptualization of landscape as a geometric object first occurred in Europe and is historically related to the European conceptualization of the organism”. One did not lead to the other.

Option D is eliminated because it is not true. According to the given passage, Renaissance artists ‘also facilitated an understanding of the structure of landscape’. They were not responsibly for it entirely.

Option A is correct because the study of landscape as an independent genre was aided by the Renaissance artists who facilitated the understanding of the structure of landscape.

5. Production and legitimation of scientific knowledge can be approached from a number of perspectives. To study knowledge production from the sociology of professions perspective would mean a focus on the institutionalization of a body of knowledge. The professions approach informed earlier research on managerial occupation, business schools and management knowledge. It however tends to reify institutional power structures in its understanding of the links between knowledge and authority. Knowledge production is restricted in the perspective to the selected members of the professional community, most notably to the university faculties and professional colleges. Power is understood as a negative mechanism, which prevents the non-professional actors from offering their ideas and information as legitimate knowledge.


A. Professions-approach focuses on the creation of institutions of higher education and disciplines to promote knowledge production.
B. The study of knowledge production can be done through many perspectives.
C. Professions-approach aims at the institutionalization of knowledge but restricts knowledge production as a function of a select few.
D. The professions-approach has been one of the most relied upon perspective in the study of management knowledge production.

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Answer: Option C


Options A & D are eliminated because they do not support the author’s stand in the passage.

Option B is eliminated because it does not capture the central idea of the passage.

Hence, by rule of elimination, Option C is the correct answer.

6. The “Shveta-Chattra” or the “White Umbrella” was a symbol of sovereign political authority placed over the monarch‘s head at the time of the coronation. The ruler so inaugurated was regarded not as a temporal autocrat but as the instrument of protective and sheltering firmament of supreme law. The white umbrella symbol is of great antiquity and its varied use illustrates the ultimate common basis of non-theocratic nature of States in the Indian tradition. As such, the umbrella is found although not necessarily a white one, over the head of Lord Ram, the Mohammedan Sultans and Chhatrapati Shivaji.


A. The placing of an umbrella over the ruler’s head was a common practice in the Indian subcontinent.
B. The white umbrella represented an instrument of firmament of the supreme law and the non-theocratic nature of Indian states.
C. The varied use of the umbrella symbolised the common basis of the non-theocratic nature of states in the Indian tradition.
D. The umbrella, not necessarily a white one, was a symbol of sovereign political authority.

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Answer: Option C


Option A can be eliminated because the given passage talks about the ‘varied use’ of the white umbrella in other Indian states, not just its use on a ruler’s head.

Option B can be eliminated because the white umbrella was not representative of ‘the non-theocratic nature of Indian states’.

Option D is incorrect because according to the given passage only a white one was placed over the monarch‘s head at the time of the coronation.

Option C best summarizes the given passage.

7.  Artificial embryo twinning is a relatively low-tech way to make clones. As the name suggests, this technique mimics the natural process that creates identical twins. In nature, twins form very early in development when the embryo splits in two. Twinning happens in the first days after egg and sperm join, while the embryo is made of just a small number of unspecialized cells. Each half of the embryo continues dividing on its own, ultimately developing into separate, complete individuals. Since they developed from the same fertilized egg, the resulting individuals are genetically identical.


A. Artificial embryo twinning is low-tech unlike the natural development of identical twins from the embryo after fertilization.
B. Artificial embryo twinning is low-tech and mimetic of the natural development of genetically identical twins from the embryo after fertilization.
C. Artificial embryo twinning is just like the natural development of twins, where during fertilization twins are formed.
D. Artificial embryo twinning is low-tech and is close to the natural development of twins where the embryo splits into two identical twins.

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Answer: Option B


In Option A, the word ‘unlike’ shows dissimilarity, but the passage focuses on similarity, not dissimilarity. Therefore, Option A is eliminated.

According to Option C, twins are formed during fertilization, but as per the given passage, the twins are formed after fertilization. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

Option D is incorrect because it says that artificial embryo twinning is ‘close to the natural development’, which is not true because according to the given passage, this technique mimics the natural process.

Hence, Option B best summarizes the given passage.