1. What is the value of the following expression?


A. 0
B. 3
C. 2
D. None of these

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Answer: Option B


Applying VBODMAS, 3+3÷3×3-3





2. What is the value of the following expression?


A. -1.5
B. -2.5
C. -4.5
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


Applying VBODMAS rule, the given expression simplifies to

(2+1×2+2-1+1×2+2)/(2-2×1+2×2-2×1-2×2) = (2+2+2-1+2+2)/(2-2+4-2-4) = 9/(-2) = -4.5

3. What is the value of the following expression?28 – [8 – {6 – (7 – (6 + 3)}] Easy
A. 18
B. 28
C. 8
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


Applying VBODMAS and keeping in mind that brackets are solved after bar, we proceed as under:

28 – [8 – {6 – (7 – 6 + 3)}]

= 28 – [8 – {6 – (7 – 9)}]

= 28 – [8 – {6 – (-2)}]

= 28 – [8 – {6 +2}]

= 28 – [8 – 8]

= 28

4. What is the digit in the unit place of (9823)45? Medium
A. 3
B. 9
C. 7
D. None of these

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Answer: Option A


The last digit of 9823 is 3. Hence, the unit digit of (9823)45 is decided by the unit digit of 345.

Now, 31 ends in 3, 32 ends in 9, 33 ends in 7, 34 ends in 1, 35 ends in 3, 36 ends in 9, 37 ends in 7, 38 ends in 1 etc.

The last digit repeats in sets of 4 and the pattern is: 3, 9, 7, 1

Now, 345 = 344*3

344 will end in 1, because the last digit of 3x repeats in sets of 4 in the pattern 3,9,7,1.

-> Last digit of 345 = last digit of 344 * 3 = 1*3 =3

Therefore, (9823)45 will also end in 3.



The last digit of abcx is the same as the last digit of cx.

  • Find out the cycle of last digits of cxand make a list of those values.
  • Find out the cyclicity, k
  • Find out the remainder when the index x is divided by the cyclicity i.e. Rem[x/k] = r
  • The answer would be the rthvalue in the list; if r = 0, it would be the last value in the list.

Referring to the concept note above, we get, c = 3, x = 45, k = 4, and r = Rem[45/4]  = 1

The list is 3,9,7,1

-> The rth value in this list is the 1st value, which corresponds to 3.

5. Find the last digit of 2737. Easy
A. 8
B. 6
C. 4
D. None of these

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Answer: Option D


Now, 21 ends in 2

22 ends in 4

23 ends in 8

24 ends in 6

25 again ends in 2 etc.

Thus, the cyclicity of the last digit of 2737 is 4, and the pattern in which the last digit is repeated is: 2,4,8,6

Referring to the concept note below on finding the last digit of abcx, we get, c = 2, x = 737, k = 4, and r = Rem [737/4] = 1

The list is 2,4,8,6

-> The rth value in this list is the 1st value, which corresponds to 2.


The last digit of abcx is the same as the last digit of cx.

  • Find out the cycle of last digits of cxand make a list of those values.
  • Find out the cyclicity, k
  • Find out the remainder when the index x is divided by the cyclicity i.e. Rem[x/k] = r
  • The answer would be the rthvalue in the list; if r = 0, it would be the last value in the list.
6. Find the last digit of 784569142 Easy
A. 1
B. 9
C. 0
D. None of these

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Answer: Option A


Last digit of 784569142 is the same as the last digit of 9142

Now, 91 ends in 9

92 ends in 1

93 again ends in 9

94 again ends in 1

Thus, the cyclicity of the last digit of 9142 is 2, and the pattern in which the last digit is repeated is: 9,1

Referring to the concept note on finding the last digit of abcx, we get, c = 9, x = 142, k = 2, and r = Rem [142/2] = 0

The list is 9,1 -> Since remainder is 0, the last digit corresponds to the second value in the list i.e., 1



The last digit of abcx is the same as the last digit of cx.

  • Find out the cycle of last digits of cxand make a list of those values.
  • Find out the cyclicity, k
  • Find out the remainder when the index x is divided by the cyclicity i.e. Rem[x/k] = r
  • The answer would be the rthvalue in the list; if r = 0, it would be the last value in the list.
7. What is the last digit of 724247*173629? Medium
A. 3
B. 4
C. 2
D. None of these

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Answer: Option C


Last digit of the given expression will be the same as the last digit of 4247*3629

Now, odd powers of 4 end in 4 -> 4247 will end in 4

Further, 31 ends in 3; 32 ends in 9; 33 ends in 7; 34 ends in 1; 35 again ends in 3 etc. Thus, the cyclicity of the last digit of 3629 is 4, and the pattern in which the last digit is repeated is: 3,9,7,1

Referring to the concept note on finding the last digit of abcx, we get, c = 3, x = 629, k = 4, and r = Rem [629/4] = 1

The list is 3,9,7,1

-> The rth value in this list is the 1st value, which corresponds to 3

-> last digit of 3629 is 3

Thus, last digit of 4247*3629 = last digit of (4*3) or last digit of 12 = 2


The last digit of abcx is the same as the last digit of cx.

  • Find out the cycle of last digits of cxand make a list of those values.
  • Find out the cyclicity, k
  • Find out the remainder when the index x is divided by the cyclicity i.e. Rem[x/k] = r
  • The answer would be the rth value in the list; if r = 0, it would be the last value in the list.
8. What is the last digit of 16343+19172-32124-27144? Easy
A. 1
B. 0
C. 2
D. None of these

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Answer: Option B


6343 -> ends in 6 (all powers of 6 end in 6)

9172 -> ends in 1 (even powers of 9 end in 1)

2124 -> ends in 6 (applying concept in Q5)

7144 -> ends in 1 (because pattern is 7,9,3,1 and cyclicity is 4)

Thus, last digit of 16343+19172-32124-27144 = last digit of 6+1-6-1 = 0

9. What is the units digit of the expression (972678)5^96  ? Difficult
A. 8
B. 4
C. 2
D. None of these

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Answer: Option A


Last digit of the given expression will be the same as the last digit of 85^96

Now, 51 = 5; 52 = 25; 53 = 125; 54 = 625; 55 = 3125; 56 = 15625 etc.

Thus, powers of 5x, where x is ≥ 3 end in 25 -> 596 ends in 25

Thus, 85^96 can be written in the form 8abc…..25

To find the last digit of 8abc…..25, apply the cyclicity concept used in the above questions.

Here, the pattern is 8,4,2,6; cyclicity is 4, and the remainder r = Rem [abc…25/4] = 1 (remainder of a number divided by 4 is the same as the remainder of the number formed by the last two digits of that number; in this case number formed by the last two digits is 25

-> remainder is same as that obtained by dividing 25 by 4).

The list is 8,4,2,6

-> The rth value in this list is the 1st value, which corresponds to 8

-> last digit of 8abc…..25 is 8



The last digit of abcx is the same as the last digit of cx.

  • Find out the cycle of last digits of cxand make a list of those values.
  • Find out the cyclicity, k
  • Find out the remainder when the index x is divided by the cyclicity i.e. Rem[x/k] = r
  • The answer would be the rth value in the list; if r = 0, it would be the last value in the list.
10. If xy^z is a number which ends in a digit that is neither prime nor composite, where x, y and z are distinct non zero decimal digits and x:y:z = 1:2:3, then how many values of the ordered triplet (x,y,z) are possible? Difficult
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. None of these

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Answer: Option B


xy^z ends in 1 (the only digit which is neither prime nor composite)

Now only 3 possibilities exist which satisfy the condition x:y:z = 1:2:3 -> 12^3 , 24^6, 36^9.

However, 24^6 ends in an even digit and is therefore ruled out. So we need to check for 12^3 &  36^9 for satisfying the given conditions. Now 12^3 is 1 and therefore satisfies both the conditions, leaving only 36^9 for verification.

We know that an even digit raised to power of a natural number > 1 will always be a multiple of 4.

Therefore,36^9 = 34x

Cyclicity of 3k where k is a natural number, is 4, and the pattern is 3, 9, 7, 1. So 34x ends in 1.

Therefore, 2 ordered triplets are possible which satisfy the given conditions -> (1, 2, 3) & (3, 6, 9)