Fill in the blank(s) by choosing the most appropriate word out of the given choices.

1. The management of non-renewable resources is turning increasingly challenging as the ___ human population places increasing demands on the dwindling resources.


A. burgeoning
B. developing
C. diminishing
D. diverse

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Answer: Option A


The reference is to growth in number. Only burgeoning implies an increase. The human population is increasing or burgeoning day by day.
2. The acts of ___ and vandalism were strongly condemned by all political parties.


A. brutality
B. arson
C. cruelty
D. barbarism

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Answer: Option B


The sentence implies that the word which fits into the blank should be related to vandalism hence the word arson is most appropriate.
3. My friends and I were so ___ after the uphill journey that we were ready to devour anything we could lay our hands on.


A. famished
B. hungry
C. greedy
D. barbaric

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Answer: Option A


The word hungry is too mild to be used with a strong word like devour. famished is in tune with the word devour.
4. After a prolonged illness which left him weak and ___, he is now on the road to recovery.


A. strong
B. rejuvenated
C. robust
D. debilitated

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Answer: Option D


Options A, B & C are ruled out because an illness does not leave anyone strong, rejuvenated or robust.
5. While enduring extreme hardships in life, what one needs is mental ___ and not just physical stamina.


A. restraint
B. resilience
C. focus
D. energy

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Answer: Option B


resilience (the ability of people to recover quickly from a shock or injury) is required to endure hardships in life.

6. Although the opposing candidates had resolved a number of disputes, past experience made them ___ to express optimism that the meeting have a fruitful outcome.


A. elated
B. hopeful
C. willing
D. reticent

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Answer: Option D


The word Although sets up a contrast between what has occurred i.e. success on some issues and what can be expected to occur i.e. success in the meeting. Hence, the candidates are reluctant (Tentative Word) to express optimism. The word closest to reluctant in the given choices is reticent.

7. Joe is an opprobrious and ___ speaker, equally caustic toward friend or foe–a true curmudgeon.


A. vituperative
B. retiring
C. lofty
D. unstinting

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Answer: Option A


The word and in the sentence indicates that the missing adjective is similar in meaning to opprobrious which has a negative meaning-expressing scorn. Out of the given options, vituperative is the only negative word which means abusive.

8. Since the cabinet has the votes to override a presidential veto, the President has no option but to ___.


A. abstain
B. compromise
C. object
D. vilify

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Answer: Option B


Since the cabinet has the votes to pass the motion, the President would be wise to compromise and make the best of the situation.

Fill in the blank(s) by choosing the most appropriate word out of the given choices in order to form a logical sentence.

9. Her novels are ___; she uses a long circumlocution when a direct coupling of a simple subject and verb would be best.


A. risqué
B. prolix
C. vapid
D. succinct

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Answer: Option B


The sentence has no linking words (such as because, although, etc.). Hence, the phrase following the semicolon is in apposition to the missing word. That is, it defines or further clarifies the missing word. ‘Prolix’ is synonymous with wordy and, therefore, matches the meaning conveyed in this sentence.

10. Because the junior executive didn’t want to come across as ___, he refused to dispute the board’s decision, in spite of his belief that the decision would impair employee morale.


A. overzealous
B. indecisive
C. contentious
D. steadfast

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Answer: Option C


Option D is gone because it’s a positive word. Options A & B are rejected because the clue is refused to dispute that doesn’t work with overzealous and indecisive. By rule of elimination, the best answer is Option C.